Continuation of "How to show two activities in one activity diagram"
My two threads do not overlap in time.
But when you add swimlanes, a reader who knows what swimlanes are (usually) for, might think that I am trying to indicate that the threads execute in paraliel.
Is it ok to simply add the activities to the same diagram and trigger each with a different event?
Actually, I see that if the term 'thread' always implies concurrency, maybe I should not have used the term. Because, although my P2 is very likely concurrent with something else , it is not relevant here.
What I want to show is that I have two separate "sub-processes" P1 and P2 of the same process P, where P2 just runs "much" later in the processing cycle. Maybe SysML looks at them as two separate activities. So my question was what is the recommended best practice? To show them on one activity diagrams ? Or on two separate activity diagrams. Sorry for my lack of clarity and great thanks.