Does SysML/UML provide good diagrams for the description of Concept of Operations (CONOPS)? Should CONOPS focus on sunny day scenarios only or contain also some rainy day scenarios?
We have Use Case Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams that can be used to capture some behaviors of the system, but they may be either not descriptive enough (Use Cases), or too technical and requiring some understanding of the pieces of the system (Sequence Diagrams). I believe CONOPS are more about telling stories about how users of the system will get the services they are expecting.
Thanks please to share your experience.
Thanks. This is good. The link show the use of UPDM diagrams; UPDM is, of course, a profile of SysML. Interestingly, I'm seeing a lot of interest to using SysML directly to represent DoDAF work products rather than UPDM or UAF (an idea of which I am in favor, as it happens as I think UPDM and especially UAF are overly complex for their intended use). Nevertheless, the link shows typical work products that can be easily created in SysML to show CONOPS and other important system aspects.