Dear Bruce,
I realized that there is a difference between native dependecies with stereotype "trace" and trace relation between Requirements and UseCases. Both appearing different in the model repository and behave different in queries.
In Rhapsody I can change both with change to "dependency " or "trace".
I work on object model diagrams with UML profile.
Can you explain the difference, because I have trouble with queries and matrix layouts then?
By the way: I realized that you use different stereotype as relation between use cases and requirement: trace vs. allocate vs. satisfy
Thank you!
Best regards
Trace is a specific kind (stereotype) of dependency, so in some sense it doesn't matter. However, trace is specified in the HarmonySE profile as a new metaclass ("New Term") which means that it can (and, in fact, does) provide tables specifically for that relation. Using the HarmonySE trace means that you can directly create tables / matrices with just that specific kind of dependency and not others which might include Usage. The UML standard identifies about 15 different kinds of dependency. Adding a specific New Term means that I can filter tables or matrices to just show relations of only that kind. The reason why you might want to use the one from the HarmonySE profile is that it comes with pre-defined matrices for that. You can always define your own tables, though.