This forum is intended for discussions about processes and methods, focusing on agile and lean methods for systems engineering and embedded software development.
Bruce Douglass
Jun 21, 2020
These days, short iterations are more common. 2 weeks is more common. But remember also that the outcome of systems engineering is not the same as for sw development. The outcome of the latter is implementation while the outcome of the former is specification. For Agile SE, 2 weeks - 1 month is most common from what I've seen, but longer happens as well, especially in large projects.
For large-scale systems with systems and software, it is common to have iterations occur the fastest at the lower levels and somewhat slower as larger scale assemblies are constructed such as a factor of 2-3x the lowest.
These days, short iterations are more common. 2 weeks is more common. But remember also that the outcome of systems engineering is not the same as for sw development. The outcome of the latter is implementation while the outcome of the former is specification. For Agile SE, 2 weeks - 1 month is most common from what I've seen, but longer happens as well, especially in large projects.
For large-scale systems with systems and software, it is common to have iterations occur the fastest at the lower levels and somewhat slower as larger scale assemblies are constructed such as a factor of 2-3x the lowest.