
2023/01/03 My latest book, Agile Model-Based Systems Engineering Cookbook 2nd Edition, is out, available on Amazon and Packt. It adds some new recipes but the big change is that it's Cameo Systems Modeler flavored. I've also added the models to the Members area for download.
2022/01/03 - updated presentation on Model-Based ICDs (Presentation page) and added a SysML Quick Reference (Models page). Be sure to check out the new videos on my YouTube channel.
I've started a Lunch and Learn series with INCOSE on Model-Based Engineering. This is an 8-lecture series. The first session will be posted on my YouTube Channel. I put the presentation up in the Presentations page.
I updated the About page with a video: The Story of Bruce
The Agile Model-Based Systems Engineering Cookbook is getting great reviews in the community and is doing well. I did a First Cut conversion of the models from Rhapsody to Cameo format using the Sodius Publisher tool - a big shout-out to them for providing me with a license and support for doing that. The models are available in the Members area. The conversion is not 100% and I may fix them up, but here's the first cut if you're interested.
I've also started a YouTube channel and put up a few videos including what I plan to be a regular feature: Statemachine Corner. I also posted a YouTube video Can I use agile methods for safety critical systems development?
I also posted a blog "Can Systems Engineering Really be Agile" in response to quite a large number of comments on my Linked In page. You can read it here.
Each chapter has several recipes for crucial systems engineering tasks and the creation of critical systems engineering work products using MBSE in an agile way.

You've found yourself on, my web site on all things real-time and embedded.
On this site you will find papers, presentations, models, forums for questions / discussions, and links (lots of links) to areas of interest, such as
Developing Embedded Software
Model-Driven Development for Real-Time Systems
Model-Based Systems Engineering
Safety Analysis and Design
Agile Methods for Embedded Software
Agile Methods for Systems Engineering
The Harmony agile Model-Based Systems Engineering process
The Harmony agile Embedded Software Development process
Models and profiles I've developed and authored
List and links to many of my books.

The menu at the top of each page either takes you to the relevant page or to a list of relevant pages.
There is even a members only site for those who want to access to even more stuff. I teach and consult on all these topics - see my Services page.
Policy on Using These Materials
All materials on this web site are free for reuse and distribution, provided their source (me or this web site) is appropriately attributed. I retain sole copyright.
About Bruce
Embedded Software Methodologist. Ironman triathlete. Systems engineer. Ultramarathon cyclist. Contributor to UML and SysML specifications. Writer. Black Belt. Neuroscientist. Classical guitarist. Bruce Powel Douglass, who has a doctorate in neurocybernetics from the USD Medical School, has over 35 years of experience developing safety-critical real-time applications in a variety of hard real-time environments. He is the author of over 6000 book pages from a number of technical books including Agile Systems Engineering, Real-Time UML, Real-Time UML Workshop for Embedded Systems, Real-Time Design Patterns, Doing Hard Time, Real-Time Agility, and Design Patterns for Embedded Systems in C. He has contributed to a number of standards including the UML, SysML, UML Profile for Schedulability, Performance and Time, UML Fault Tree Analysis Profile, and the UML Dependability Profile. He can be followed on Twitter @IronmanBruce, Facebook, or LinkedIn.
Bruce Powel Douglass, Ph.D.